we had a chance to trace the paths from the walking poetic laws of hammurabi filled with mythology to the patterned legal norms of the roman empire . the so-called russian truth, like before us, is treated in the newspapers with the first recorded collection of rules for occasions on our lands. aliya is on rennies. these are the documents of the eleventh. stop. that's what they called kotteks on. it's a pity we don't know. what was the first edition of pravda before us i needed and i went to the later list and see the mod on the first treatment is that the trunk of the russian truth, yaroslav the wise, was so remote for kieving kievan rus that the imkars became, and after the collapse of this rus, they did not dismount to write their truth. prince casimir, who sang from the sample, and the elonchik at a thousand shatyrs 168 leaving, and he issues such a platoon without officialization. today we are aware of his yak-leaf zemer, kazimir’s law officer statutka, to whom he is allocated orphaned similar acts, on the right, near centralization, kazimir established the uppershine with his la