new york, london and the hamp n hamptonsl among the ten worst performers last year monaco is the most the world on a per $1 million only gets you 162 square feet of space in monaco 1 million buys you 226 square feet inÑirhong kong and 334 iw york leastw3expensive town, capetow south africa, $1 millionw gets you 1,800 square feet. >> why so much cheaper >> it's south africa >> i love it so much. >> the favorite city in theq world among the super rich based one the lifestyle, investment climate and population of other rich people is new yorkçófollod by london. now of the top ten cities favoritew among the wealthy, eight of the them, eight of the top 20 are in the u.s. >> wow, i didn't know that you look at size for cities, u.s. doesn't show up anywhere. >> l.a., san çórancisco, miami, what else? >> on a per square foot million? >> what are the top eight. >> so, chicagoe was up there. chicago was next closest san francisco, l.a. >> washington, d.c. >> miami i don't think was on there, no. >> not dallas or houston çóith? >> i don't think so, no. >> well, houstono:price perform