great rooms in the front of the house contained something like this 1812 wooden mantle with rich handcart thing. -- handcarving. the black marble are from the 1840's remodeling. they are quite old. our philosophy has been that we not replaced something like this unless we have good evidence for what was originally here. there is an awful lot of preparation work, documentary evidence. we have one of the largest historic structures reports that has ever been created for an american property. nothing like the white house or the capitol but for a domestic building we probably have the most complex and complete domestic structures, historic structures report on record. we've struggled for years to come up with a good end use. we think we might be close to one. we are talking to some potential tenants who might be able to rehab some of the rooms and use them as office space while maintaining the three big important architectural rooms for people to continue to view. this house is important to the bluegrass trust because of latrobe's influence on american architecture. its historic importance, s