i had handcuffs, prison uniform on, which i worked in the kitchen, white t-shirt, blue collar, and i'm excited because all this news media there and i'm waiting on the lady to take these handcuffs off, but she wouldn't. she said no. i said -- she said no. by this time, the judge, he happened to get off the bench, and he gave her a direct order to take the handcuffs off, so they brought me some civilian clothes in, a purple shirt, black pants, it felt good to be in street clothes again. i walked this to the courtroom. it was full with bright lights, very hot, and i stood there, and the judge he called out the charges, i stood up, he said, mr. cotton, the charges against you have now been dropped. you're a free man. you can go home and it was just -- it was the most joyous moment in my life in a long time. i was able to hug my mother, which i wasn't able to do in 11 years and feel the touch of my other brothers and sisters and as time went on, i stepped outside the courtroom. i looked up in the sky and i said lord, why do i go from here, because i had all this freedom and did not know wh