as you can see, they're singing the "hallelujah chorus" from handel's "messiah." >> s spping gets stressfulcepeaceful break for them. very cool. very funny here from "the vancouver sun." most people find babies on planes extraordinarily annoying. i'm one of those people. they evidently cry. i love kids but not on a plane, it gets kind of crazy. anyway. this couple, they were on their way home last thanksgiving, from vegas back to edmonton. they had their 8-month-old son levi. we've all been in that situation. they rush to get to the gate, they pass through security, 20 minutes to spare. before the flight takes off. as they approach the boarding gate the little boy soils himself so badly they had to take the kid to the bathroom to clean himself, to replace his diaper. it was a mess. anyway. the airline found out about it and said, you've got to get on a new flight, pay $1,000 to change the flight because you missed the plane. the airline felt bad, they got a call saying we'll reimburse you the grand to get the new plane tickets because your kid was in the bathroom. yeah, little levi, had som