so, too, were great pains taken to find accurate drums, researching original beadings, handstitched uniforms. exhaustive detail to make the most authentic replication of the united states army's field music from the war of 1812. [applause] one of the lead drummers who helped put the unit together has recently enlisted in the united states arms and in the reserved officer training corps program as we speak. [applause] >> standing in front of the flag, as a noted researcher, park ranger, and great personal friend james c. bailey. james c. bailey is the exact build, has similar facial features and ironically the exact same age as major armstead who commanded the fort 200 years ago. e wears a replica of the one that armstead wore on this momentous occasion. [applause] >> we have about ten minutes until the 9:00 hour. for those who are interested when the flag is hoisted yankee doodle is what will be played. the star-spangled banner will be played later, but historically on that september morning. the fights and drums of the garrison played yankee doodle. it was really used like a national anthem