after sending through my written text, the handwriting company scans it and put it through its machineto figure out how i write my letters. so the interesting thing about our tech is we mimic what humans do. humans are completely unique, every time you write a character it is going to be a tiny bit different, and we pick up on those nuances, so our technology will learn how you do those and will also mimic all the variation you apply to this, and generate more on top of it. it is notjust printing the words on paper, it is applying pressure at certain points where i apply pressure. it is being able to do that. the g, i do a g like that without a curl at the bottom, so does this. just subtle little things, it has got it down to a t. this is wicked, look at that. it's all very impressive, and even if i write underneath the robot's lines, you can see the results are very similar. there are small details like little flicks of the pen that set mine apart. but why would anyone want a handwritten letter nowadays? so it might seem a bit counterintuitive, but the noise — you get so many emails a