and as yodle turned to leave the room, and eventually a date with the hangman, after being convicted of military crimes at nuremberg, from his nearby flames at eisenhower's desk, his dog growled his displeasure at the back of the retreating german and it was only after the germans departed that eisenhower finally unbended and began to relax. as a hoard of photographers were admitted to his office and scrambled to record the scene, ike gathered his key of staff around him. although exhausted, ike's famous grin reappeared at a historic moment. and he signaled a v for victory by holding aloft the two gold pins that were used to sign the surrender documents. he proclaimed that it was a special occasion that merited champagne, and everyone decamped to his quarters, where, for the next two hours, there really wasn't much of a party. in fact, quite the opposite. there was surprisingly little gayity or joking, or even really a sense of pride. instead, there was a rather somber reamization of the significance of this historic day. few words were said. everyone seemed incredibly weary. kay sum