hani redha, milti-asset portfolio manager, pinebridge investments., 19% of the the population in the world log on to facebook every single day. in terms of tech, you cannot abandon facebook. you have to hope they get it right, and that the rancor goes away. 19% of the world. i am shocked. hani: we like technology as a sector, however we think there are better ideas then looking at these stocks. did as well as he could have done under the circumstances. we will see how today plays out. this issue is not going away. we think the extremes we are reaching in a world where it is winter takes most, it creates -- winner takes most, the risk premium has to be built in. some erosion of profitability has to be built in. it does not look as attractive to us as other parts of technology. nejra: i know you are looking at tech stocks. is facebook's business model that? hani: -- is facebook's business model dead? hani: i don't think so. the likes of microsoft are still operating on every pc in the world. it does not seem like a major threat. nejra: not dead but str