claire danes, hank azaria -- >> jimmy: hank azaria. >> yep. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. it's super fun. what drew you to the project? just that it's -- >> i never signed on to anything in 24 hours. i was shooting "13 hours" in malta, and i got this script and they said, "here's a new play." i think it's one of the best things i've ever read. so, i read it cover to cover, literally finished, called my agent, said "i'll do it. no matter when they're doing it, i'll do it." >> jimmy: when you do the play -- i was so afraid of doing one. >> yeah. me, too. >> jimmy: because you always hear those stories. like, oh, i went out like the lights didn't turn on or someone dropped a line or i forgot to read -- >> oh, yeah, you have nightmares every night about what could happen. one of my biggest nightmares i got to have come true. [ light laughter ] about two nights ago -- dreams come true for you, buddy. >> about two nights ago, i walked out. i was doing the play. felt really good. felt like i had a lot of good chatter in the audience. we're doing it in the round. so everybody is right there. you'