money is there tonight, in fact, he is here in new york, $2,500 per person fund raiser hosted by hank greenbergonsin, he is up here raising money. i think it is interesting whip you look at the facts he has raised since july, 5.1 million from july to december defending himself. i think the question of millions of dollars against a million sig match xhurs a question of we going to see who really runs democracy, who really runs the way people are influenced about their own self-interest in wisconsin. >> i think this is something the nation will be watching, he is running on a national agenda, national dollars coming from outside the state of wisconsin that are fueling his effort. the other side, literally hundredsf thousand of signatures, from residents of this state. the question from this state is will the future of this state be controlled by people who live here, who vote here or will it be controlled by outside dollars that are trying to set a national agenda, what i'm hearing over and over again, people say we want our wisconsin back this is not our wisconsin. this is an ideological nationa