hank hannah, is 33 years old. he considered himself pretty overweight in may.4 pounds and he decided to change his life. so he started a website called the business of losing weight. and what hank hannah is doing is donating $5 to a nonprofit organization that battles childhood obesity for every pound he loses. $5 for every single pound. he's already lost 68 pounds. the nonprofit that he's working with is called louie's kids, it's such an inspiring story. >> how is he losing weight, diet, exercise? >> i believe it's a combination of both. "right this minute," we have hank hannah on skype. >> what are you doing to drop the weight? >> i'm not doing a low-carb diet or anything like that. but i'm trying to eat low calories, high protein and i'm limiting myself to about 1800 calories per day. and then i do cardioexercise, 45 to 60 minutes almost every day. the most important part is something in my head clicked a few months ago. i decided that i knew how to do this an i just had to set you know, my mind to doing it. eating right and exercising, is you know, it's the