hey, it's hank hill, the torch guy. you were 12 across in today's arlen bystander crossword puzzle. ll you sign it for me? in pencil? crowd ( chanting ): hank, hank, hank... come on, give 'em a little taste, dad. ...hank, hank, hank hank, hank, hank, hank, hank, hank... peggy: okay, remember, honey, you're going to be on tv so do not do that thing with your nose that you're not aware of. what thing? i'm here live with arlen torchbearer hank hill. which hand do you think you will carry the torch in? the right. did you give any thought to any other hand? no, i did not. ( crowd cheering ) sounds like the durndle torchbearer approacheth. finally. it took him forever. well, they're not exactly swift in durndle. ( all laughing ) he is so brave. ( all cheering ) hank, wait! damn it, dale. this flame traveled 3,000 miles plus the distance from the sun to greece. you're tarnishing the spirit of the winter games. au contraire. i'm inhaling it. remember, dad: pace, grace and dignity. now move out! i'm so darn happy, i'd skip the rest of the way. thank you, bobby. ( cheering ) awww! ...is brough