an exhibition of paintings by hanna kryvolap opened in the halls of the national museum of kyiv art galleryrt. expositions are portraits that no one ordered and no one asked to write, on them are those who defend us and our peace, the work was inspired by the story of the fallen commander serhiy derduga, it was his image that became the first in a series of portraits. from that time i started working, and it seemed to me that i was very, me should paint portraits, portraits of those people who pave the way for us. from the darkness , and i don't have such, well, if there was a specific selection, these are people with whom i am familiar, these are people about whom i am told, these are people with whom, as it were, my life touches, among the images of defenders and defenders there are also images of mary nazarova, an instructor in tactical medicine, for her portrait, hanna was inspired by a meeting with a girl, explains, impressed her... her cheerfulness and strength, even in such dark times, i am delighted, i have never been, in i am delighted, i have never been to the other side of the ca