. -- senatorda jackson canada jackson is -- hannah beth jackson is introducing a bill.islation can solve this problem? ellen: i am hopeful. everything else has not solved it so far. i think the shaming is helping a little bit. people coming out and saying this is not acceptable. you cannot go into an airplane and experience what i'm experiencing, talking about sex , porn, that is not acceptable anymore. you know that and you should change your behavior. it is not changing quite yet. we need something else to help. i don't think they'll be the one thing that prevents it. these people do think they are above the law. you need to keep wishing that public perception and telling the stories. the most impactful thing is always women telling their stories. emily: you mentioned the porn obsessed ceo. you do not mention his name. if they come up in the trial. what else did you leave out? i'm sure there is a lot you did not put in there. ellen: i wanted the book to be as fair as possible. maybe he had an off day. ted -- i just don't know. i didn't want to have this one incident,