i sat down with captain tom's daughter, hannah ingram—moore, and in an exclusive interview. >> the namewas picked up because it was too salacious not to. i think a swim spa. google it. that's the brand name. it's great. they're great little pools, but it's basically a hot tub at one end. >> so more will be revealed just after 5:00. that's coming up. as even after 5:00. that's coming up. as ever, send me your thoughts, post your comments gbnews.com/yoursay. so coming up, of course, we'll be going live to the reform conference. we'll be hearing from zia yousef. but let's start with nigel farage eyeing up a reform tory mega party with boris johnson. joining me now is former labour mp stephen pound. stephen pound what do you think a what would you call this, a raisi pac, a recon pac or con re. >> i honestly don't know. yeah. it's fascinating. what really interests me here is nigel farage. he's, you know, public school educated city trader, you know, living in the posh part of kent. and yet he seems to resonate with working people in a way that very few politicians actually do. he seems to h