in 1912 frank and hannah nixon arrived in this area, and believe it or not, there was only 200 people in population in yorba linda. now there are thousands. look around. see how beautiful the grounds are here today. 1912, there was plenty of lemons and orange groves and frank and hannah nixon arrived here and thought, what a great place to raise a family. he literally, frank nixon literally went through a catalog. it wasn't a sears catalog, and wasn't a montgomery ward catalog. we still don't know the identification of the manufacturer of this wonderful house and, but we know that it was a kit house. so he actually took his horse and buggy and drove it to the train station. there's actually a section of the train still there on imperial highway that you can see. frank nixon brought these boxes and crates back to this yorba linda site and he built this wonderful house. as you can see, as i mention to you, it's never been moved. as you look around to see that this, the millhouse nixon family came to this area to raise a family. so 300 orange trees and 300 lemon trees were planted by fra