know what i was thinking i was talking about it to another professor who she's dirname is that hannah reese and she study dolphins and donkeys have very amber estates swim together they stroke each other they resist same sex sex so we were wondering if our culture we imposed on sex. only due to the goal of reproduction because and then we say oh then something strange happens with intelligence and we get all this complication raj it things will become gay or you know i don't know you can you know i want to change sex but this is all happening in nature dolphins who are very telegenic they have a brain bigger than ours and they are considered a master most of animal but also they have a sexuality that he's not just use for reproduction as it has been for us also it's used for bonding for understanding each other to create. alliances so sometimes i would call ciar and skew our perception of sex you're speaking about evolution a moment ago what do you think you have learned the most out of this year and what we have your evolved from us through your time at home and lock down and during this o