and on behalf of clifford benjamin henry, on behalf of supervisor brown on behalf of the late hannah sigrion behalf of supervisor stefani, on behalf of the victims of the gilroy shooting. >> president yee: colleagues, that brings us to the end of the agenda. madam clerk, is there any further business before us today? >> clerk: that concludes this session. >> president yee: this is our last meeting before our recess session. have a great summer, and we are done with the agenda. [gavel] . >> good morning. so i'm mary ellen carol, the executive director at the department of management. welcome. we're here to talk about the 911 which is so going to help us from a technology perspective to bring our 911 system to what we call next gen, next generation. so i've been the director here for a year, and it's just amazing how much we are able to accomplish, but with technology that is literally decades behind. we're so grateful to leadership, of our mayor and our governor, to help us to bring forward this funding that honestly is going to help us come to technology that most people in their day-to-da