i am going to let hannah wesolowski jump in here.judith, thank you for sharing your story, and i'm so sorry your family has had to go through these hurdles. thank goodness that your grandson had your son to fight for him. but no family should have to bankrupt it self to get the child. that is a story we hear far too often, and it is heartbreaking every single time you hear it. first, i encourage you, your son, your grandson to hopefully be able to connect to a local nami, go to nami.org/local, for support. we should have more options in states and thereby. we should not have to send our 16-year-old to another state for help. also, your son should not have to cash out his 401(k) to get care when he is already paying those insurance premiums. and foraging -- unfortunately, with mental health parity, the onus has been on the beneficiary, the one with the insurance, to fight and fight and fight. the insurance companies, their tendency is to deny, deny, tonight, and hope people give up or do not know their rights and do not know they have