again, it is hansa mehta who susuggests there be two covevenants and eleanor.r. and the big issue is, will the united states ever address the universal declaration of h human rights? if there is only one covenant, the all of the rights are connected, meaning everybody has the right to not only speak, religion, press, but also to a job, also to healthcare, also to housing, the u.s. won't vote for that. so she compromomises and agrees to two covenants, the economic and social covenant and the civil and political covenant and i want to say what happepes is it is passed. she gets a standing ovovation 10 decemember, 1948. so the universal d declaration of humuman rigights passes, but it is not ratified by the united states until much later, because under eisenhower, the dulles brothers, they want nothing binding. they absolutely insist, we don't want any part of the universal declaration of human rights. they walk away from it. it doesn't come up again until finally in 1966, the covenants are printed. they are ratified around the world. but not until jimmy carter sign