>> she does have her cousin gail hansberry Ãbher cousin gail hansberry who lives in washington dc whohared tears. her best friend from childhood lives in new york but i actually talk to them after i finish the book her papers are at the schomburg center for research in black culture in harlem. the archivist tease me because i say i sort of moved in because i would take my kids to school in the drive to harlem. i live in philadelphia not princeton a little bit longer drive. i would stay as long as i could and drive home to pick up my kids from school and come back the same day. the next day. it's an extraordinary collection and i could use other archives so i could see à Ãi could see james baldwin's letter to her back and forth there. >> was a friend of hers? >> he was a close friend. she's at the crossroads of all these people and as he was dying, she wrote him an extraordinary obituary, that talked about his significance not just a scholar but as an important social and political force. as she is dying. something like heartbreakingly poetic about their relationship. >> robert, new yo