. >> i am hanson baldwin.ents of each of our services on the contest we're engaged in with the communists. what they boil down to is this. it is a contest for the minds and hearts of people around the world, all people. the areas in white on this map represent the part of the world composed of ourselves and those who share our beliefs. the communists seek constantly to win an advantage in the minds of the people here and to separate us. the black portion of the map is the communist-dominated part of the world controlled by the soviet union and the chinese communist regime. and of tremendous importance is that part of the world which is attached to neither camp, the uncommitted nations of the world represented in gray on the map. for the most part, these nations are absorbed with their own problems. either they are newly independent after years of domination by a foreign power, or they are still seeking independence. a strong tide of nationalism sweeps over this part of the world, and with it, a mistrust of any