amounts is that what's interesting is you know it came over in new york about hanun about a serious soaring divorce rate in in in china but what they didn't see is is probably also a story marriage rate due and it's sorry in amount of people who really realize oh he is still oh she is the one we've now been stuck in a you know in one room for 3 months and we were able to get along and cyber issues and so i wasn't sure whether i should marry him or her whether i should make a long term partnership of some kind and now i think i can so it's interesting our newest oh he's talking about the story in divorce rates but not talking about what is probably equally true this is because we don't have the numbers there 7 are because we're too to get the ratings is very sad about divorces like it's very sad about. death than love well you're a journalist and so i think your guess is better than mine but. my guess is that my educated guess is that the press really does wear papers and the bad news and a good dose. of fact my boyfriend just wrote a book called the power of bad and how you know we do try t