hanwa,e line is with specializing in land-based defenses like tanks and armored vehicles.he purple line is about how -- aircraft as well as helicopters. you can see this is normalized as of the start of 2015, and for the most part has been outperforming retail and tourism stocks. is shopping.ne .he blue is the outperforming interestingly, i did want to look at what's been happening with hanwa itself. year to date, as opposed to the same time frames over the past few years, for 2017, we can see it is up by nearly 19%. in 2016 it was even better, up nearly 32% from january 1 to may 9. you can see the performances over the past few years. i want to look at what has been happening in terms of analyst recommendations. we have been seeing a lot of tension and volatility with north korea and pyongyang, as they said today, they would conduct a sixth nuclear test. function.e anr the take away is all of this green on the left side of the screen. greed means analysts say they want you to buy. green means analysts say they want you to buy. there's no red. we are seeing more of the ord