i saw that plane crash, and i thought, i'll never get to fly again. >> but she did. >> general hap arnoldngs on us. and jaclyn cochran was there. every day was great. it was the very, very best day, the day i got my silver wings. >> what was the best plane that you ever flew? most fun? >> my biggest success was on a b-25. i did a lot of co-piloting on b-17s and b-24s. >> i flew every plane that we had in the inventory. they had 38 who were killed. and i flew some 60 million miles. >> after 18 months of fighting an uphill political battle, the wasps were disbanded. >> at the time, either this didn't matter, or you didn't know. >> we just didn't care. we wanted to fly. >> i was in d.c. as a government girl. things got rather boring, and i told them, i saw an emblem that said free a man to fight. >> this woman from west virginia was a free spirit who loved dancing and big band music. >> i came back to the war department and said to this army lieutenant over my unit, i just joined the marine corps. and there was this other shock. i had no idea. they said you line up those boots, and i said oh