and what's going to happe happe? you know, mr. president, i keep talking about this bill we're as iaswe'repassing. it's not like the 10 commandments written in stone. so there are uncertainties in the future. the future is uncertain. but what we can do is lay down a good start towards bringing people into a health insurance system. stopping some of the most horrible practices of the health insurance industry. moving us towards a more health care system rather than a sick care system. so, yeah, there are uncertainties. but we know one thing, the certainty of the status quo leads to too many people not having any kind of health care whatsoever. leads to people dying younger than they should because they don't go in for their checkups or their screenings, children, others. well, we know the other side made it clear, some time ago, that they wanted to obstruct and delay and filibuster and kill this bill. as far as my friends on the other side of the aisle are concerned, this floor debate is not about offering amendments to imrove the