any evidence, past evidence, that might tell us what wll happenith jobs? with when obamacare is effective. >> exactly, brenda, you it's anti-big or bigger government. my gut reaction is to say well, this is going to be bad. you are right. haven't done it bere. i think even bernard implied that, you know, we have to wait and see, but we ha a test case, as you said, we have massachusetts and there i was, to be honest with you, i was kind of surprised to see their employer mandate really has had very little negative effect. i think it's for two reasons. the obamacare empyer mandate, the employers will actually get a tax credi so that's good for them. it's going to help tooffset a lot of this, to reduce the taxes. in lieu of that, in order to attract and this is the other reason i think it hasn't had a negative effect in massachusetts, employees are seeing this as a benefit. it's either kindof give me this health insurance or mayme more. i think in the case because the way taxes are set up under obamacare, it probably behooves employers, actually give them is