itit's happepening 10 toto 100 s faster thahan at any time e in e last 50 0 million yeyears. in f, since the 191900s, earlyly 1900, the oceaean is 3 m more acidici. >> ph, oror reallyly the aciditf the ocecean, is chahanging as a result o of carbon dioxixide n the atmosphere. this is ultimatately sortrt of the eviln of f climate e change. >> we look at global warming. we talk about the changes in our atmosphere. we need to look at the changes in our ocean. >> wewe've been pumumping carbon didioxide into the atmosphehere, especially since t the industril revolution, with the burning of fossil f fuels. and that cbobon dioxide has to go somewhere, and some of that is going into the oceans. they estimate about 30% has gone into the oceans. and the problem in the oceans is it has to react to that carbon dioxide. and that's how we get the phenomenon of ocean acidification. >> over 70% of all of the oxygen in our air, the oxygen we breathe, is produced by phytoplankton in the ocean. that means when you're putting that at risk by changes in ph, you're putting at risk the very air we