>> well, it is true that some people are that way, they come out happybabies, and it is rare. for most of us in challenging times, we have to work hard to be joyful? and isn't there a difference of happy and joyful. happy is from the word happen stance, and you are happy because things are going well, and how can you have joy, because it transcends the circumstances. >> well, you hit the nail on the inside. joyle joy are from inside, and you have to seek it for yourself. it is not about getting a new gift. it is about engaging in the podsty thinking, and about being optimistic for good things, and looking for good things when the bad things are happening. >> and there are some who are half cup empty or half cup full, and how do you do it, because through the holidays. a lot of suicides in the holidays, and it can be a dark period for people. >> well, being joyful is literally like working out, and exercising the muscle. so it sis little rally something that you is have to work at. so you have to make a joy list, take the out the phone for the piece of paper, and write down thi