policy as framed real focuses on the quick improvements we want to get out open the streets one example hapsz to be the match for caltrain grant we might get $200,000 we need even though $300,000 match we want to good faith those with caltrain but we have to have the design the 4 to 6 weeks behind on that we have an obligation schedule with caltrain and trying to get past the red tape another example it's been very important for this vision zero committee for us to continue it work with dpw on better cooperations especially with repeal pavement projects and very often dpw they want to go out and bid a contract may have to delay the bid because we want to add 20 to $30,000 or so, so as maria pointed out within the prop k $200 million it is $5 million and it's really those opportunities with regard to vision zero a lot of the projects are quick paint projects we want to get out there as quickly as possible you've seen the allocations for $8,000 it is a paint project so we can do those in bundle and cooperate it makes the projects done quicker will happy to have this postponed and come back and