i like haqqanis amid. i like canadians, but they are different. they are different. there's no first amendment. they can really land hard on you and you have no recourse. doesn't happen a lot because canadians are nice. i i likee to say their neurotics were psychotics. but there are lots, protections we have that they just don't. >> have you actually looked at the canadian constitution, the one adopted in the 1980s? >> no. >> very interesting. it basically begins by some reference to whereas a statute under queen victoria allows us to do this thing. we've got permission from our parents to declare independence. and from my point of view, i think i would say canada basically becomes independent because our hero, lincoln, when's the civil war, and canada -- britain begins to give up its nuclear ambitions once it's clear that america is not going to divide. so they dealt -- nick kosir independence actually to us. they didn't fight for in quite the same way and i think that is to some extent a teaspoon of some of things you're saying. the people who basically, if the ame