use,haracteristic of that you need large transmitters when you're speaking about the chunks of spectrum. you're talking about harmful transitions i can go a long distance. that means a lot of electricity behind it and the towers. -- big 6towers. i'm a little skeptical of a nationwide, the block spectrum. let's try to have licensees. thean be very good for economy and do all kinds of innovation we can only imagine right now. >> we will go back to todd shields from bloomberg news. >> thank you. it is an interesting concept. these big transmitters that covers big areas. --is the alternative vision there is the alternative vision. there would be a lot of small wi-fi hotspots that would be able to handle all of this internet traffic. i think that is some of what was behind the report you mentioned earlier. you mentioned nationwide, free service. isanyone could fulfill that another question. --re is a debate going on when you design the options, how much of the airwaves should be dedicated to these free, unlicensed uses? promotextent that you those unlicensed uses, you're not selling it to at