no one, no one should face harassnt, death threats and disparaging comments by cheap shot politicians simile for tellinthe truth. -- simply for tell the truth. you should know for every skur lsu charge and pathetic tweet, there are thousands of americans, women and men who believe you, support you and thank you for your courage. watching your experience, it's no wonder that many sexual assault survivors hide their past and spend their lives suffering in silence. you have absolutely nothing to gain by bringing these facts toj the senaiciary committee. the fact that you are testifying here today terrified though you may be, the fact that you have called for an fbi investigation of this incident, the fact that you are prepared to name both judge kavanaugh and eyewitness mark judge stands co sharp rast to the obstruction we've seen on the other side.fb thshould have investigated your charges as they did in the amit nita hill hearing, but they did not. >> he was in his bethany beach hideaway and required to testify under oath. judge kavanaugh if he truly he believes's no evidence, no witne