thisext step after committee will go over for a hardcoded. -- for a hard coat.y will add more detail with clay. the robot is pretty good, but it can't get down to the nitty-gritty details. this is supposed to be photorealistic. painter. prop and designs color to the current art director. 1001 arabian nights. we have some updates to do to the turban design, some embellishment on his vest itself. i know he is holding a lamp in the image, but we are trying to -- this is going to the "1001 arabian nights," the title, then moved on to a book space. i am updating t his year's design, which is a completely different color and design. some of it being touch ups, where it is not a full on job. others i have to complete over in entirety. >> about 20% of the floats are what we call signature events, the ones that -- units, the ones that stay the same every year, like the grand marshall's float, or the jester or butterfly king. these signature floats people are used to seeing here after year. the theme of the parade changes every year. of about 20 different warehouses in ne