with me to help explain what is going on is tio hardiman, founders of ceasefire in chicago.et me ask you, what is going on in the city of chicago that we have to have kind of safe passage, you see these people in the yellow vests behind you here, escorting children to school in a place you would normally see in a place like baghdad. >> violence has become the norm. a lot of young people are lost when it comes down to dealing with conflicts, poor impulse control, peer pressure, the beat goes on every day. you have people getting shot in chicago every day. it's good to see that the mayor stepped up with the safe passage prom so the children can see people in the city of worried about their well being. there's a cowboy mentality in chicago, which means i got to get you before you get me. >> fire officials are part of this whole safe passage program. they've been called out to be out on the street with their equipment in order to create a larger government presence to make this a safer place for kids to go to school. it doesn't really work, does it? people have been shot in the