tone at the top it's been a real pleasure to sincere with the commission and the team led by harlan keelingo thank you very much it was an honor thank you (clapping). >> todd if i could come up here so we could have a photograph oh, just in time laura there's nothing like a camera. >> before we take pictures i'd like to present i am had with another ward so since we have vince with two ties. >> why not take the pictures first and some other things to talk about. (laughter). >> kelly. >> okay todd you might as well stay up here i'm going to present you with another ward i consider myself fortunate to have a great commission and great staff to see one of the great staff leaving the organization is a tremendous loss but benefit to the city one of the things we wanted to do we feel so passionate about our work we feel we wanted to be like you so that's why everyone on the senior team has a bow tie they're that's our signature mark, in fact, it's a requirement whoever replaces you have a bow tie i want to bestow on you, the highest ward i congressional o on this gave two one to my mom but i want