when we have harley strickley, we have to stop watering the meadow and then there was no time to give this water. then we have time to buy -- revitalize the grass before we have to turn the water off before the car show, otherwise they will damage the ground. by moving this back one week, and that was really the best option, it gives the metal a little bit more time. we have reduced the number of vehicles to 50 fewer cars than last year, which gives us more of an ability to protect the trees and tree roots and other things like this. the promoters have been working with us on a code of conduct that we will be actively promulgating out to the participants about driving, picnicking, to help make certain that there is full thoughtfulness on the use of the metal. and they have been wonderful about this. the permits for this are $9,000 for the facility, and last year, this was 6300. this is the final year of the three-year phasing so this will go to 9000. and there is a leap -- remediation fee, dedicated to the metal. this will go into the fund for all the things that we can do to help tha