now entitled to haveeat least one delegateerepresent him at the democratic natiinall convention in harlotteians who voted forrjudd - saa.. they didn't now he was &pbbhind bars... but they still like him better thaa presidentt obama. thaa he's against coal.. if e &pget s elected agaai it will b the fall of wv even ii udd wanted he won't be released frrm dn't.- prisoo ntil june 24, 2013... day. oregon deputies stop maa... who atttmpps to commii suicide..and it's all caught on tape. tape.on the can see deputy rick princehouse use his own car to tty and stop the driveer.. bb pinniig him po the bridge.the maa sees what's happeniig and oots for the guardrail.that's hen another officer wraps hissaams "we weee just in thh right where we could innerrene andd &phe wasn't able to harm himsel" himself."himselff. could intervene and he wwsn't &pable to harm himsslf." ffet above a sits 140 time you place it in yourree pockettor purse.turns ouu... nearry 4-million calls are áaccidentallyáámade to 9-11 a consulting group is now day!- urging the city tt launch a "public wareness" campaagn