all the same, on the flanks there is some kind of pavement, what kind of carmies are here, baroque harmiseat is, every little bit of eight... three times, different adkіdvaetstsa, and all the time this façade is alive, because the prices crumble on this façade, and the different heights of these tiers, the different dimensions of the windows, everything here and pratsuye to imagine how he was born. characteristic details of the baroque - this rich stained glass, ostentatious and jumping, balconies and bay windows, and a yashche vyalikaya kolkastsya raskrapovak, heta kalі... adrezak scyany vyluetstsa forward or back with all parts of the beast given izu. prykmetami baroka dachshund is rich color palette: hell smaragdavaga and bardo. although all the most popular spaluchennym z'yaўlyaetstsa white and gold. well, if you have a lot of round columns, strict geometrical layout and symmetrical layout, without this there are no curls, narrowed down, wrinkled. and other architectural dimensions, then this is classicism. inspired by classicism and baroque architecture, the viciebsk town hall has inc