. >> reporter: 22-year-old harold boyd left his chicago home to spend is year in atlanta.has to raise himself. >> i do believe that with every relationship that i build, that i'll be showing people that i'm in the same struggle as you are. >> i don't have all the answers. >> reporter: he's the only minority on his team. it's not surprising when you consider the vast majority of missionaries are white. >> in terms of the missionary percentage of african-americans, it's far less than 1%. >> reporter: jim sutherland studies missionary work and black churches. >> they do ta fairly good job of taking care of their communities, but the vocation is essentially off the radar. >> reporter: why so few african-americans involved in missionary work? >> the way missions is traditional done, you raise support to do it and -- >> reporter: money. >> tick taking a year off, this means not working. not earning an income. >> reporter: for many african-american, it's difficult to make this financial sacrifice, especially during a recession. for harold boyd, it's worth the sacrifice. >> what r