the issue that could come up, what role did she play in, she and her state department adviser, harold coelso defending the way we do targeted killing abroad. >> there's no ending between the way she sees drone strikes and the obama administration, they are completely on the same page, but what you saw is harold coe going out there and speaking about how defending it almost, but saying that the obama administration should be a little more transparent and explain it more to the people about what they are doing exactly. >> and that was very much the argument in the state department and outside they were making in the administration, if you're going to do the targeted killings, you need to explain it to the american public, what are the rules of engagement, why are you doing it, harold coe gave a speech in march 2010 before officials were willing to do that, to talk about those things, so they were a little more transparent about it, but she agrees with the drone policy. >> right. there's this issue again where she is tied to not only, obviously, her husband's administration, but this adminis