and for harold hamm, that led to a significant increase in production in the state, and the value of stock -- literally a reduction in the cost of ever single barrel of oil he produces, everywhere him and his very first shipment ever of oil to c china. amy: you have a set piece within your larger piece "trump and friends cashin: members of the trumpet administration are profiting from dapl while scheming to make even bigger bucks shipping oil and petrochemicals overseas." you have harold hamm and kelcy warren. >> they ceo of energy transfer partners, major backer of the trump campaign. then of course, the immediate -- the completion of the dakota access pipeline. actually, kelcy warren, $5 million investment in kerry's campaign. your was on the board of energy transfer partners, the mccain energy secretary -- then became energy secretary. advance the completion of the public. amy: and commerce secretary wilbur ross. he was known as the king of bankruptcy. his main area is going in and finding bankrupt companies, turning them over to make a profit. in the bakken, many of these small c