history tv on c-span 3, saturday evening at 6:00 eastern on the civil war, author and historian harold holser on abraham lincoln's views on immigration and his efforts to court the german american vote early in his career. >> one in ten immigrants, one in ten, joined the union military as soon as they arrived. by lincoln's optimistic calculation, the result with black enlistment factored in and even with the dead, wounded, captured and missing subtracted, was a net gain for the military and for the country at large. >> then at 8:00 on lectures in history, rhodes college professor charles mckinney describes early civil rights efforts to end segregation during world war ii. >> the new deal also creates spaces for african-americans and southern african-americans in particular to start to push for civil and economic rights. civil and economic rights. it gives them again, to use roger wilkins' phrase, that human space to push for and aspire for that inclusion into the mainstream of american life. >> sunday afternoon at 4:00 on real america, the 1958 united states information agency film "communist