harold keller was an uncommon heroes that nobody knew anything about after he came home. but he was the second marine to reach the summit. he slept that night under the flag that was erected on top. and while he and his buddy chick robison, buzz bombs and mortars came in toward that flag, because it was the subject of great debate and competition between the americans and the japanese. . harold keller was remarkable for other things that happened in an island that was so small it was less than 10 square miles and yet 30,000 japanese soldiers and 70,000 marines and navy corpsmen occupied that tiny isles during this incredibly intense struggle. when harold keller first landed on the beach on d-day, february 19, -- or excuse me, 1945, the first thing he did was save his commander officer, lieutenant harold wells, who stuck his head up above the sandy beach and would have had his head blown off had it not been for harold keller who pulled him down as a large piece of shrapnel soared right over where he had been. he also was friends with earnest "boots" thomas who was the mari