harold roth, are you crazy?year later they had just gotten back to postwar, putting their sense of normalcy coming back with the cartoons. >> one point they want to re-talk of the town, it's part of the continuity of their lives . sean and to disrupt back continuity. >> that's the question, it presents them with a really essential question. what is the purpose of this magazine, is it continuous wartime purpose of fearless reporting where does it revert entirely to something. >> you tell us something that i thought was unforgettable which is the way howard roth finally persuaded himself to do william sean and me admired and trusted, expected him to do was not think about the future of the magazine but think about the magazine's past, it's very dna. >> he went back and looked at his original statement published in 1925 and also the perspective that he had created in 1924 trying to convince backers toback the new yorker . and one of the sentences is that he had written himself and it probably in a moment of gravita