. -- an actor named harold russell played him.entified with because he, too, was disabled and uncertain about how you would regain his place and his life. it is very hard to convey what a seismic impact "the best years of our lives" had. this was a donovan new age of social realism in american -- this was the dawn of a new age of social realism in america. whether it was alcoholism or nervous breakdowns or something that all america was exposed to, the readjustment issues faced by returning veterans and faced by the people they were returning to. , it wasnd of its run the third or fourth highest grossing movie in hollywood history. he went on to a distinguished .areer making movies his career goes all the way up retired just he before making the movie he had hoped to be able to make, which is a movie that became patton. >> mark harris is the author of "five came back: a story of hollywood and the second world war." thank you for being with us on american history tv. >> thank you. week, american artifacts takes you to museums and h