so the department of justice -- a number of states sued, and but aalso announced that harper collins, and simon & schuster settled, and as part of the settlement which in theory would go into effect later this summer, if proved by the court, they cannot use the agency model for at least two years. if they do it has to be under very modified means. however, penguin and mcmillan did not settle so they're still being sued, and as a result since then, the judge who is presiding over both the department of justice and also the class action sued, she only foreshadowed she was going throw the book at publishers, and unless they make a very, very good case in court it doesn't look all that good for them right now. but as to where it stands, for the moment nothing is going to happen until the department of justice gets a number of letters from the public. so those are happening and there are a number of prominent people, like agents and industry insiders, and book publishers, and also readers on both sides of the issue, have been weighing in. they have until june 25th to commit letters to the