it is an important new book published by harpercollins, available in bookstores across the country. and also you can order online at our dedicated website, wrong for america you need to word book in there. the book is a collaboration of me and two authors jim capretta of the ethics and public policy center, tom miller of the american enterprise institute, and bob moffit of heritage foundation. and it has really been a wonderful collaboration. i want to thank also our editor at harpercollins and her publicist, our editor and our publicist, as well as a terrific team at all of our think tanks that really helped us so much and are helping us to make sure people know about this important new book. it really was a pleasure and a remarkable pleasure to work with the four authors, or three co-authors in myself, to put this book together. it's not a collection of chapters, each one of us were and took individual ownership of. this is a seamless book. we really wanted to tell the story of what obamacare is going to mean for the american people, how it's going to affect families, an