harriet lane did that. she wasn't the only first lady who did this.lia tyler did it as well when it came to the annexation of texas. so first ladies who get actively involved in the politics find out where the problems are and who can be brought over in the sand and what's their price. they're part of a political partnership and she was. [inaudible] >> i think if that happens, it's going to be a fascinating turn of event because first off is a two-term former president. how can you ignore that? one should. if she were president and he was first man, first gentleman -- i don't know what we'll call it. the country did know what to call first ladies for a long time. it is called the ladies of the white house. they were called first lady and for a while they were called sometimes democratic queens and not often would be leveled as an insult in the early days of the country. they've been erected like those people awake out greater than the resolution. so whatever he might be called, you have a former president who's deeply knowledgeable about policy matter